Leaving for vacation. See you in two weeks! Meanwhile please check out my Instagram for quick snapshots on my cellphone. Guess where I'm going? ^_^
Monday, May 26, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
DVF Memorial Day Sale
Ladies, DVF has extra 30% off on all sale items with code SUMMER30! Do you have any items on your wish list?
It so happens that today I'm in DVF in and out, both from previous seasons. This brand knows women's body. Both their dresses and jackets are my brainless go-to options on a lazy day like this.
On a side note: for those who like my Juicy Couture black and white polka dot skirt in this outfit, I suggest a trip to Banana Republic. They have a polka dot dress in a similar silhouette and pattern. See how Wendy styles it here.They even carry those jumbo polka dots to ballet flats! So cute... I would get that dress if it were not strapless... Sigh!
It so happens that today I'm in DVF in and out, both from previous seasons. This brand knows women's body. Both their dresses and jackets are my brainless go-to options on a lazy day like this.
On a side note: for those who like my Juicy Couture black and white polka dot skirt in this outfit, I suggest a trip to Banana Republic. They have a polka dot dress in a similar silhouette and pattern. See how Wendy styles it here.They even carry those jumbo polka dots to ballet flats! So cute... I would get that dress if it were not strapless... Sigh!
Denim jacket: DVF
Sunglasses: Karen Walker
Scarves: Madewell
Heels: Fendi
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Accessorize Your Outfit
My last post attempted to add some cool elements to a totally feminine style by mixing the gold bracelet with the silver bracelet set. -- Yes, you are right: accessories do not have to be expensive, and it's totally OK to mix the expensive with the more affordable ones. -- And today's post is to show how to add some edge to an otherwise boring outfit using proper accessories.
BTW for affordable statement accessories, check out Anthropologie from time to time. Their accessory collection is fun, fun, fun!
Dress: Nicole Miller (current season)
Sunglasses: Karen Walker
Necklace: Wide Link Choker and Mayura Necklace, both from Anthropologie
Heels: Derek Lam
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
From Work to Dinner
Yet another beautiful dress on sale! I got this Lace Study Dress from Anthropologie about 2 months ago when it was priced at $158, and now it's only $79.95. I like its cut that hugs the body and shows off all curves. It fits like a glove. The top is lined and bra friendly. The skirt has a retro-chic floral print fabric, topped with a black-and-white cutout fabric in the front and back. So you will have floral print on the side, and intriguing mixed colors in the front and back. It's a beautiful dinner dress by itself, and totally appropriate for work with a blazer on. The high waist style creates a perfect proportion.
Dress: Lace Study Dress by Beguile by Byron Lars from Anthropologie (also like this)
Blazer: JCrew Classic Schoolboy Blazer in Navy
Silver bracelets: Club Monaco
Gold bracelet: Cartier Juste Un Clou bracelet
Shoes: Cole Haan Air Juliana Pump 75 in Raspberry
Dress: Lace Study Dress by Beguile by Byron Lars from Anthropologie (also like this)
Blazer: JCrew Classic Schoolboy Blazer in Navy
Silver bracelets: Club Monaco
Gold bracelet: Cartier Juste Un Clou bracelet
Shoes: Cole Haan Air Juliana Pump 75 in Raspberry
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Pastel Pink Romance
我一向不喜欢粉嫩的颜色,总觉得跟黄种人的皮肤不太搭调,穿上有点washed out,似乎是大红大绿大蓝大紫这样纯度高的颜色更衬我的肤色。不过,今年pastel实在太热了,搞得我的小心心也蠢蠢欲动,就收了这件樱花粉的ASOS Full Midi Skirt。周日早上醒来,不知道为什么满心的柔情蜜意,就把它穿起来啦!
搭配的套头白色真丝衬衣是Gant的,早年在伦敦买的,蝴蝶结领口,灯笼袖,根长裙一样也是怀旧浪漫的路子。坡跟的木头鞋则是在一家意大利鞋店买的,没有牌子,但是做工精致,穿起来也很舒服,鞋头上还顶着一朵白粉相间的大花。Mulberry的米棕色腰带稍微中和一下满身的娘气。这么怀旧淑女的一身儿,走在east village的破旧小路上,是不是有点穿越?
Silk shirt: Gant
Pink midi skirt: ASOS Full Midi Skirt in pastel pink
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Belt: Mulberry
Purse: Chloe
Flower Wedge: from a small Italian shoe store
搭配的套头白色真丝衬衣是Gant的,早年在伦敦买的,蝴蝶结领口,灯笼袖,根长裙一样也是怀旧浪漫的路子。坡跟的木头鞋则是在一家意大利鞋店买的,没有牌子,但是做工精致,穿起来也很舒服,鞋头上还顶着一朵白粉相间的大花。Mulberry的米棕色腰带稍微中和一下满身的娘气。这么怀旧淑女的一身儿,走在east village的破旧小路上,是不是有点穿越?
Silk shirt: Gant
Pink midi skirt: ASOS Full Midi Skirt in pastel pink
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Belt: Mulberry
Purse: Chloe
Flower Wedge: from a small Italian shoe store
business casual,
casual wear,
Karen Walker,
Monday, May 19, 2014
Out And About
先是去看了一个位于west village的art fair。有趣的是,某人连颜色都看不准,却最爱看art fair。我就不一定喜欢了。有的art fair一半是卖小吃的摊点,有点挂羊头卖狗肉的嫌疑。而这次的art fair是正经的art & craft为主,规模很大,占了好几条街道,枝枝蔓蔓的看都看不完。除了绘画 手工艺 首饰 帽子这些常见的东西以外,还有live music,让人看得很高兴,想来我最喜欢的还是人和人类活动,没有什么比live performance更让我觉得有趣的了。美中不足是人实在太多了。天气一回暖,纽约人民就跟冬眠醒来的动物一样,呼啦一下全都涌进了曼哈顿街头,赶上不冷不热的大晴天,城里简直人满为患。窃以为应该在周末限制进城人数,实行单双号制,单日只能出生日为单号的人进城,双日只能出生日为双号的人进城,以显摆咱岛民的优越性,justify半岛恶贵房租的合理性,哈哈!玩笑归玩笑,我还是挺enjoy的。可惜来之前先喝了几杯啤酒,走着走着就急着要放水。好不容易某人找到了他喜欢的那个女画家,挑了一幅画,我们就急匆匆地离开人群去找地方放水了。话说那个女画家吧,画得也不是不好,可是看了几次,我也看腻味了。难得的是某人对她一往情深,每次art fair都去掏钱买副小画,真是个坚定不移的好孩子,跟我的喜新厌旧正成对比,想当初还是我看了喜欢推荐给他看的呢。
放水以后就直奔mid town。我心思不在art fair的另一个原因就是。。。Chanel的fall/winter collection上市了!谁说我不喜欢art了?Chanel就是我喜欢的art。。。之一。。。一进门就被这个embossed Le Boy森森的吸引住了。美不美?美不美?这一季的黑色是pearl black,不是纯黑(jet black),稍微有点发蓝 ,非常好看。做旧的银链,立体雕花的外表,看起来非常古朴高贵。常见的棱格Le Boy大多是小羊皮的,这个则是calf skin,牛皮比较耐磨,这会是个很好的vintage piece,会age well,不光给现在的苏大妈用,还可以给未来的苏婆婆用,甚至留给小小苏。而且这个new medium size也比常见的medium size要高一些,能装更多的东西,所以这个包比常见的medium Le Boy要更适合日常生活。我纠结!为什么呢?一来是我个子小,这个包背起来有点点大,二来这么精细的花纹平时背似乎有点太过火了。店里只看到new medium和mini两个大小的,一个太大,一个又太小。问某人意见,他说:“你再过10年再背这么装饰性的包也许更合适。” 哦,这是夸我年轻还是损我气质不够sophisticated呢?你瞧这人,说个no都说得这么有水平,真讨厌!不管他是什么意思吧,我恋恋不舍的把包放下了。。。哎,拜托哪位好心的姑娘去把它收了吧!都卖光了,我也就不惦记了,不然总是心心念念的。
最后上个逛街的行头。别看我成天写fashion blog,其实我有时候也对自己的眼光有疑惑的,尤其看见我兴高采烈的买了东西却发现后来打折打到尘土里都卖不出去的时候。是不是我的眼光太奇怪了呢?比如这件baseball tee,我买了有两三个月了,也穿过好几次了,现在居然还有卖的。。。Anyway,我周六又穿它了,配了条好老的AF牛仔裙。因为要走路,就穿了一双New Balance WR10,这可不是他家跟fashion brands合作的发骚时尚运动鞋,是正经用来跑步的。以前我也说过自己是New Balance的大粉。前几个月跑步比较多,屯了不少他家的跑步鞋,不光是因为好穿,也是因为好看,不跑步的话,穿着逛街也挺美的。比如这双WR10,前后根落差只有4毫米,非常轻,而且鞋里面是柔软的布,光脚穿也跟穿袜子一样舒服。虽然简约鞋的风头在跑友中慢慢衰落了,而我在PF以后也不太敢穿简约鞋跑步,这鞋穿着逛街真是好极了。
Tee: JCrew Linen Baseball Tee in Lovebirds
Denim shirt: Abercrombie & Fitch
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Purse: Chanel 2.55 Reissue
Sneakers: New Balance WR10v2 in Red/Orange (here, here, here, here)
先是去看了一个位于west village的art fair。有趣的是,某人连颜色都看不准,却最爱看art fair。我就不一定喜欢了。有的art fair一半是卖小吃的摊点,有点挂羊头卖狗肉的嫌疑。而这次的art fair是正经的art & craft为主,规模很大,占了好几条街道,枝枝蔓蔓的看都看不完。除了绘画 手工艺 首饰 帽子这些常见的东西以外,还有live music,让人看得很高兴,想来我最喜欢的还是人和人类活动,没有什么比live performance更让我觉得有趣的了。美中不足是人实在太多了。天气一回暖,纽约人民就跟冬眠醒来的动物一样,呼啦一下全都涌进了曼哈顿街头,赶上不冷不热的大晴天,城里简直人满为患。窃以为应该在周末限制进城人数,实行单双号制,单日只能出生日为单号的人进城,双日只能出生日为双号的人进城,以显摆咱岛民的优越性,justify半岛恶贵房租的合理性,哈哈!玩笑归玩笑,我还是挺enjoy的。可惜来之前先喝了几杯啤酒,走着走着就急着要放水。好不容易某人找到了他喜欢的那个女画家,挑了一幅画,我们就急匆匆地离开人群去找地方放水了。话说那个女画家吧,画得也不是不好,可是看了几次,我也看腻味了。难得的是某人对她一往情深,每次art fair都去掏钱买副小画,真是个坚定不移的好孩子,跟我的喜新厌旧正成对比,想当初还是我看了喜欢推荐给他看的呢。
放水以后就直奔mid town。我心思不在art fair的另一个原因就是。。。Chanel的fall/winter collection上市了!谁说我不喜欢art了?Chanel就是我喜欢的art。。。之一。。。一进门就被这个embossed Le Boy森森的吸引住了。美不美?美不美?这一季的黑色是pearl black,不是纯黑(jet black),稍微有点发蓝 ,非常好看。做旧的银链,立体雕花的外表,看起来非常古朴高贵。常见的棱格Le Boy大多是小羊皮的,这个则是calf skin,牛皮比较耐磨,这会是个很好的vintage piece,会age well,不光给现在的苏大妈用,还可以给未来的苏婆婆用,甚至留给小小苏。而且这个new medium size也比常见的medium size要高一些,能装更多的东西,所以这个包比常见的medium Le Boy要更适合日常生活。我纠结!为什么呢?一来是我个子小,这个包背起来有点点大,二来这么精细的花纹平时背似乎有点太过火了。店里只看到new medium和mini两个大小的,一个太大,一个又太小。问某人意见,他说:“你再过10年再背这么装饰性的包也许更合适。” 哦,这是夸我年轻还是损我气质不够sophisticated呢?你瞧这人,说个no都说得这么有水平,真讨厌!不管他是什么意思吧,我恋恋不舍的把包放下了。。。哎,拜托哪位好心的姑娘去把它收了吧!都卖光了,我也就不惦记了,不然总是心心念念的。
最后上个逛街的行头。别看我成天写fashion blog,其实我有时候也对自己的眼光有疑惑的,尤其看见我兴高采烈的买了东西却发现后来打折打到尘土里都卖不出去的时候。是不是我的眼光太奇怪了呢?比如这件baseball tee,我买了有两三个月了,也穿过好几次了,现在居然还有卖的。。。Anyway,我周六又穿它了,配了条好老的AF牛仔裙。因为要走路,就穿了一双New Balance WR10,这可不是他家跟fashion brands合作的发骚时尚运动鞋,是正经用来跑步的。以前我也说过自己是New Balance的大粉。前几个月跑步比较多,屯了不少他家的跑步鞋,不光是因为好穿,也是因为好看,不跑步的话,穿着逛街也挺美的。比如这双WR10,前后根落差只有4毫米,非常轻,而且鞋里面是柔软的布,光脚穿也跟穿袜子一样舒服。虽然简约鞋的风头在跑友中慢慢衰落了,而我在PF以后也不太敢穿简约鞋跑步,这鞋穿着逛街真是好极了。
Tee: JCrew Linen Baseball Tee in Lovebirds
Denim shirt: Abercrombie & Fitch
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Purse: Chanel 2.55 Reissue
Sneakers: New Balance WR10v2 in Red/Orange (here, here, here, here)
Friday, May 16, 2014
DVF New Della Silk Jersey Shift Dress
Shift dress is one of the most office-friendly dresses in summer: simple, elegant, and with just the perfect amount of coverage. DVF has updated this officelady classic with stretchy silk jersey and urban chic prints. This New Della dress in python prints is both feminine and professional, soft and wild. Plus, it's now on sale! If you are familiar with DVF sizes, this dress is true to size. On a rainy morning, I picked a pair of old pumps in nude color, threw my Burberry trench coat over the dress, and I was ready to hit the road.
Yesterday's leg workout is killing me. I could barely get up this morning, and THAT makes me feel awesome... Weird, isn't it? Have a good weekend!
Dress: DVF New Della Silk Jersey Shift Dress in Python Medium Camo
Shoes: Cynthia Rowley
Yesterday's leg workout is killing me. I could barely get up this morning, and THAT makes me feel awesome... Weird, isn't it? Have a good weekend!
Dress: DVF New Della Silk Jersey Shift Dress in Python Medium Camo
Shoes: Cynthia Rowley
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Equipment Slim Signature Shirt
I got this shirt during the Saks friends & family event last month. It was also available on Nordstrom, but now it's sold out in both stores. The style ID is Q795-E231 if you are interested. The material is sheer feather-weight silk. Breezy and bright. But you do need a cami underneath if you want to wear it to office. Here I paired it with an ASOS midi skirt that is also in this outfit. A pair of espadrilles goes well with the springy floral prints.
Floral print silk blouse: Equipment Slim Signature Floral Print Shirt (Q795-E231)
Midi skirt: ASOS Midi Skirt in Ponte with Pocket Detail
Belt: Mulberry
Espadrilles: Lanvin
business casual,
casual wear,
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Swimwear and Body Shape
如果你有一个完美(上翘,大小合适)的pp,当然可以穿Brazilian thong 来招摇一下。可是,如果你pp太大太松,整个人呈梨形呢?high-cut bikini bottoms 可能就是你的救星了,视觉上有收敛的作用。另外,用单色的bottom配花花的top,也可以将人的视线吸引到你的小蛮腰和上身,而不是过于丰腴的臀部。相反,臀部较小的mm可以挑选花花的bottom。最后,喜欢健身的jm不妨试一试boy shorts,弹力的平脚裤看起来非常athletic,也很彰显腿部肌肉线条。
一个常见的误区是以为tankini不in不好看,其实tankini对于某些mm有出奇的修身效果。如果mm比较骨感,tankini会显得格外清纯,也能遮掩胸前的排骨。 腿短身长的mm,如果穿着有横条纹的tankini,可以在视觉上缩短躯干拉长腿部,从而打造完美体形。
下面来说bandeau top。这种样式coverage比常见的triangle要大,但是集中效果很好,想加深沟沟的mm不妨一试。要是有padding的话,很容易看起来涨半个到一个杯子。如果有流苏或者ruffle之类的装饰,会更显丰满。胸大的mm不建议使用,一是太奶牛,二是support往往不够,容易八字。
那么,胸很大的mm穿什么好呢?我说的是,很大很大滴,或者是胸部受重力影响较大滴。。。halter top 应该是support最强的了。胸部丰满的mm,切忌穿无带的top。
Photo credit: Victoria's Secret
如果你有一个完美(上翘,大小合适)的pp,当然可以穿Brazilian thong 来招摇一下。可是,如果你pp太大太松,整个人呈梨形呢?high-cut bikini bottoms 可能就是你的救星了,视觉上有收敛的作用。另外,用单色的bottom配花花的top,也可以将人的视线吸引到你的小蛮腰和上身,而不是过于丰腴的臀部。相反,臀部较小的mm可以挑选花花的bottom。最后,喜欢健身的jm不妨试一试boy shorts,弹力的平脚裤看起来非常athletic,也很彰显腿部肌肉线条。
一个常见的误区是以为tankini不in不好看,其实tankini对于某些mm有出奇的修身效果。如果mm比较骨感,tankini会显得格外清纯,也能遮掩胸前的排骨。 腿短身长的mm,如果穿着有横条纹的tankini,可以在视觉上缩短躯干拉长腿部,从而打造完美体形。
下面来说bandeau top。这种样式coverage比常见的triangle要大,但是集中效果很好,想加深沟沟的mm不妨一试。要是有padding的话,很容易看起来涨半个到一个杯子。如果有流苏或者ruffle之类的装饰,会更显丰满。胸大的mm不建议使用,一是太奶牛,二是support往往不够,容易八字。
那么,胸很大的mm穿什么好呢?我说的是,很大很大滴,或者是胸部受重力影响较大滴。。。halter top 应该是support最强的了。胸部丰满的mm,切忌穿无带的top。
Photo credit: Victoria's Secret
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Wrap the Sunshine
A well-fitted wrap dress is a must-have for female professionals. Usually made of comfortable stretchy materials, wrap dresses tend to hug the female body in the right places and hide all the imperfections under its drape. And Diane von Furstenberg has made her name on wrap dresses. Wiki says:
Although it is often claimed that Diane von Fürstenberg 'invented' the wrap dress in 1972/73, Richard Martin, the curator of the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, noted that the form of von Fürstenberg's design had already been "deeply embedded into the American designer sportswear tradition," with her choice of elastic, synthetic fabrics distinguishing her work from earlier wrap-dresses. Wrap-dresses had been designed by Elsa Schiaparelli in the 1930s, and Claire McCardell in the 1940s, whose original 'popover' design became the basis for a variety of wrap-around dresses.
The von Fürstenberg interpretation of the wrap dress, knee-length, in clinging jersey, with long sleeves, was so popular and so distinctive that the style has generally become associated with her. She has stated that her divorce inspired the design, and also suggested it was created in the spirit of enabling women to enjoy sexual freedom. There has even been a book dedicated entirely to von Fürstenberg's wrap dresses.
Wow, I have to admit that I didn't think that much! Freedom and liberation! All I know is, it looks both feminine and professional... :)
Wrap dress: Diane von Furstenberg Julian silk jersey wrap dress (current season)
Pumps: Nicholas Kirkwood two tone patent leather block heel pump
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
The von Fürstenberg interpretation of the wrap dress, knee-length, in clinging jersey, with long sleeves, was so popular and so distinctive that the style has generally become associated with her. She has stated that her divorce inspired the design, and also suggested it was created in the spirit of enabling women to enjoy sexual freedom. There has even been a book dedicated entirely to von Fürstenberg's wrap dresses.
Wow, I have to admit that I didn't think that much! Freedom and liberation! All I know is, it looks both feminine and professional... :)
Wrap dress: Diane von Furstenberg Julian silk jersey wrap dress (current season)
Pumps: Nicholas Kirkwood two tone patent leather block heel pump
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Monday, May 12, 2014
Summer Rose Garden
On an 80F weekend afternoon, nothing feels better than a breezy silk floral print blouse. It's all about free spirit. Fashion comes and go; romantic floral print always stays. I bought this Rebecca Taylor rose garden blouse years ago, and still like its retro chic prints and soft texture. And the peach color looks just perfect for this season.
Paired it with denim shorts and boots, to balance out the girlieness of the top. Besides, boots would keep my feet dry in an afternoon thunderstorm. :)
Top: Rebecca Taylor Rose Garden Blouse (also like this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this)
Shorts: Abercrombie & Fitch
Necklace: Fluttered Brass Necklace by Made from Anthropologie
Boots: DV by Dolce Vita Malika Boots
Paired it with denim shorts and boots, to balance out the girlieness of the top. Besides, boots would keep my feet dry in an afternoon thunderstorm. :)
Top: Rebecca Taylor Rose Garden Blouse (also like this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this)
Shorts: Abercrombie & Fitch
Necklace: Fluttered Brass Necklace by Made from Anthropologie
Boots: DV by Dolce Vita Malika Boots
Friday, May 9, 2014
Spring Blossom
Hi everyone! Can't imagine it's still chilly in May. And I've got a bad flu this week. I don't even remember when I got this sick last time... at least not since I came to the states. Stayed in bed for a good two days. Now I'm back and fully functional again. :)
It's spring time anyway. Flowers everywhere. On a sunny and warm day, the flower trees do light up your spirit. I'm looking forward to a nice weekend!
Denim on denim is not that boring, as long as you throw on some light colors, isn't it? I love this Rebecca Minkoff Julian backpack. The orange color is the best for spring/summer essentials. And a pair of super soft driver shoes is a must for a walk in the park.
Denim shirt: Anthropologie
Boyfriend jeans: James Jeans Neo Beau Slouchy Fit Boyfriend In Genevieve
White cotton blazer: Club Monaco
Yellow silk scarf: Burberry
Driver shoes: Cole Haan (similar)
Backpack: Rebecca Minkoff Julian backpack in Orangina (also in black & studded, black, white, orange & studded)
It's spring time anyway. Flowers everywhere. On a sunny and warm day, the flower trees do light up your spirit. I'm looking forward to a nice weekend!
Denim on denim is not that boring, as long as you throw on some light colors, isn't it? I love this Rebecca Minkoff Julian backpack. The orange color is the best for spring/summer essentials. And a pair of super soft driver shoes is a must for a walk in the park.
Denim shirt: Anthropologie
Boyfriend jeans: James Jeans Neo Beau Slouchy Fit Boyfriend In Genevieve
White cotton blazer: Club Monaco
Yellow silk scarf: Burberry
Driver shoes: Cole Haan (similar)
Backpack: Rebecca Minkoff Julian backpack in Orangina (also in black & studded, black, white, orange & studded)
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
When in Doubt, Go Black
Sheer silk blouse: Elizabeth and James Orchid Amandine blouse in black (current season, similar, similar, similar)
Pants: Club Monaco in black
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Necklace: Bougainwillea necklace by BaubleBar from Anthropologie
Purse: Chanel
Pumps: Nicholas Kirkwood two tone patent leather block heel pump (similar on sale, similar, similar)
Monday, May 5, 2014
As Gothic As I Could
If there is a style that I'm absolutely obsessed with but cannot find a way to pull off, that will be Gothic. And I've painfully come to the conclusion that I probably never will. The reason is I'm too well nutritioned. There is a saying, "you are what you eat." And I definitely look like someone who eats salmon, steak, and lamb on regular basis. Plus, I work out. Plus, I love tanning. There is no way that I will look skinny enough or pale enough to resemble a morbid angel that lives on instant noodles besides alcohol, tobacco or weed. I can't look vampy, no matter how much white powder, black eyeliner or black lipstick I pile up.
But I don't give up. I'm so attracted to this mysterious and exotic style that, occasionally, I will attempt a muted Gothic look that doesn't look too outrageous on me. Like this one: black lace dress, black-red lipstick, dark black sunglasses, dark purple / gold necklace, Gothic ring, purse in distressed leather and jeweled gold sandals. I could have used a pair of black lace-up boots to complete the look, but I do keep functionality in mind as well. After all, it's already May and I enjoy walking around the city over this sunny weekend. -- All the outfits posted are real-life outfits that I live in.
Oh, there is another reason I don't look vampy: I smile to much!
FYI, I bought this exquisite soft lace dress by Karen Zambos Vintage Couture from Shopbop in 2011. I've collected tons of compliments on it! It's made of fine 100% silk lace. Now it's not easy to find high quality lace dress like this, but I'm sure there are substitutes as sheer is one of the themes of the year. Free People carries lacy Gothic or Bohemian dresses all year long.
The necklace was bought from Anthropologie and it's now on sale.
To get the vintage dark red lips, I first applied a layer of red lip liner (NARS Lipliner Pencil in Jungle Red) all over the lips to define the shape and prevent the lipstick from running. On top of it, I layered a black lipstick (Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Intense in 48 - Satin Blackcurrant). Black lipstick is really hard to fine, and this is a warm reddish black color. It's very creamy, pigmented and long-lasting, but you need a lip liner underneath to prevent bleeding. Love it! Go for 49 - Satin Blueberry if you prefer a cool tone. I would leave 50 - Satin Black to Halloween. :)
Silk lace dress: Karen Zambos Vintage Couture (current season, similar, similar, similar, similar, similar, similar, similar)
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Necklace: Bougainwillea necklace by BaubleBar from Anthropologie
Ring: Juicy Couture
Purse: Chanel
Sandals: Vince Camuto (current season)
But I don't give up. I'm so attracted to this mysterious and exotic style that, occasionally, I will attempt a muted Gothic look that doesn't look too outrageous on me. Like this one: black lace dress, black-red lipstick, dark black sunglasses, dark purple / gold necklace, Gothic ring, purse in distressed leather and jeweled gold sandals. I could have used a pair of black lace-up boots to complete the look, but I do keep functionality in mind as well. After all, it's already May and I enjoy walking around the city over this sunny weekend. -- All the outfits posted are real-life outfits that I live in.
Oh, there is another reason I don't look vampy: I smile to much!
The necklace was bought from Anthropologie and it's now on sale.
To get the vintage dark red lips, I first applied a layer of red lip liner (NARS Lipliner Pencil in Jungle Red) all over the lips to define the shape and prevent the lipstick from running. On top of it, I layered a black lipstick (Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Intense in 48 - Satin Blackcurrant). Black lipstick is really hard to fine, and this is a warm reddish black color. It's very creamy, pigmented and long-lasting, but you need a lip liner underneath to prevent bleeding. Love it! Go for 49 - Satin Blueberry if you prefer a cool tone. I would leave 50 - Satin Black to Halloween. :)
Silk lace dress: Karen Zambos Vintage Couture (current season, similar, similar, similar, similar, similar, similar, similar)
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in black
Necklace: Bougainwillea necklace by BaubleBar from Anthropologie
Ring: Juicy Couture
Purse: Chanel
Sandals: Vince Camuto (current season)
Friday, May 2, 2014
Who's The Best Copy Cat?
It's always fun to see how quick fashion brands such as Zara, Topshop, Forever 21, Nastygal and many more are "inspired" by runway collections. They tend to make styles more wearable, but sometimes go to the extreme of being straight copy cats.
Here are some comparisons between the runway original and main street copy. What do you think? Who do you think is the best copy cat?
1 - Mother of Pearl vs. Topshop
2 - Rag & Bone vs. Nastygal
3 - Alexander Wang vs. ASOS
4 - Chanel vs. Pixie Market
5 - Tom Ford vs. Zara
6 - Marc Jacobs vs. Zara
7 - Celine vs. Zara
Here are some comparisons between the runway original and main street copy. What do you think? Who do you think is the best copy cat?
1 - Mother of Pearl vs. Topshop
2 - Rag & Bone vs. Nastygal
3 - Alexander Wang vs. ASOS
4 - Chanel vs. Pixie Market
5 - Tom Ford vs. Zara
6 - Marc Jacobs vs. Zara
Thursday, May 1, 2014
M Missoni Knit Skirt
The center piece is this beautiful M Missoni Knit Skirt bought years ago from Harrold's of London. Stuff in London rarely go on sale, and I had a hard time to adjust to that mentality. But I fell deadly in love with it as soon as it caught my eyes. So I snatched it at full price. And till today, I've had no regrets. Classic pieces stay, and creative color combos mix with literally everything. It has gone through so many mileage. Here I paired it with a JCrew tee in mint, THE color of 2012, and a pair of Saint Laurent three-tone metallic sandals that feel so right in 2014.
Tee: JCrew
Skirt: M Missoni
Gold/Silver/Gunmetal sandals: Saint Laurent
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