Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Red

Hi ladies! Do you like Christmas red? It's a striking festive color that can't be missed in holiday season, but you don't have to be dressed as an old-fashioned Santa. It actually works really well with black and gold to create an edgy outfit...

BTW I'm already on the road to my winter vacation. Guess where I'm going this time? Hint: somewhere warm... :)

Dress: Searle
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength
Mink infinity scarf: bought from Neiman Marcus years ago
Leather arm warmer: Vince Camuto
Purse: Chanel Large Camera Bag
Boots: Cole Haan


  1. 青春靓丽带点酷,我喜欢。

  2. 一如既往地漂亮!别忘了多拍些凉快的片片回来show啊!:D
