Friday, August 29, 2014

Lululemon Tanktop

For New Yorkers, Labor Day equates to US Open. There is no better way to kick off a long weekend than a festive world-class sport event. I'm not a tennis fan, but the game, the crowd, the drinking and lounging always draws me back to this stadium. US Open is one of the best organized events I've ever been to. All booths and bars are well staffed, and I can always get my drink or food in minutes.

Sporty chic is always welcome on a day like this. I don't work out in Lululemon, being afraid that those cute cutouts may get caught somewhere and cause accident. That's said, Lulu style is really cute. Weekends and sports occasions are where it really belongs to.

Top: Lululemon
Shorts: Abercrombie & Fitch
Purse: Chanel Le Boy medium
Boots: DV by Dolce Vita Malika Boots
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Subtle Cutout Dress

Unique cutout designs may add an unexpected element to any silhouette. The key to subtlety and elegance is showing a sliver of skin without revealing too much. When cutouts at the waist or shoulders have become too cliche, this dress with cutouts at the side of thighs still seem quirky.

Dress: Pencey
Purse: Rebecca Minkoff MAB Tote Mini in hot red
Watch: Daniel Wellington classic St. Andrew Lady in rose gold
Boots: DV by Dolce Vita Malika Boots
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Stripes, Polka Dots, Pleats and Sheer

Mixing patterns and textures is always fun. When you have too many elements in an outfit, staying with a monochrome color scheme tends to be a safe bet.

Top: JCrew
Skirt: Club Monaco
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength
Necklace: JCrew
Watch: Daniel Wellington classic St. Andrew Lady in rose gold
Sandals: Marc Jacobs

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hey, I'm not a quitter!

Sorry for being absent in the past a few days! Life has been hectic, but I'm committed to this blog! I'm desperately in need of a haircut. Nevertheless, I'm here posting more pictures, because you've asked for more... I feel so touched and loved. xoxo~~ :)

Just a quick shot of what I wore this weekend: a beautiful embroidered mini-dress from Free People. Yes, it deserves a close-up. Got lots of compliments throughout the day. This is one of those pieces that represents the brand's free spirit in a more subtle style. I attempted to mix it with a structured purse, a preppy watch, and studded masculine boots to create a Boho chic outfit. Do you like it?

Dress: Free People
Necklace: Cartier Love necklace
Purse: Rebecca Minkoff MAB Tote Mini in hot red
Watch: Daniel Wellington classic St. Andrew Lady in rose gold
Boots: DV by Dolce Vita Malika Boots
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Let's Walk!

Take a look at my new picture... Did you see anything different?

Skirt: ASOS mesh midi skirt in pink (sold out)
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength
Sandals: Birkenstock Curacao by Birki in black stretch cork

Ah, yes, I've got a Fitbit zip!

Please feel free to join my fitbit group at

You might have heard about a magic number of 10,000 - walking 10,000 steps a day is a well advertised health slogan. How will10,000 steps benefit your health? Help you to lose weight? To lower cholesterol level? To fix sleeping disorders? No one explained it. In fact, I believe the answer is "none of the above". Health is a complicated problem that cannot be straightened by any single fix. That said, I do believe a more active life style helps over time. Given that an average American only walks 3,000 steps per day, 10,000 is a pretty good goal to start with.

After I got my new gadget (on sale), I observed my everyday activity in the past week. My conclusion is, a typical New Yorker who walks and takes public transportation will have very little problem hitting 10,000 on daily basis. That may explain why, in general, we city ants are smaller than most Americans whose a$$, for 90% of the time, is either in the car or on the couch. Some statistics from my experience:
  • I walk slightly over 2000 steps per mile. 
  • On average, I walk about 5.1 - 5.3 miles per day. This includes daily commute, getting lunch, running errands and walking up and down the office. It does NOT include any form of workout.
  • Last Sunday, my easy run of 7 miles finished in 75 minutes with about 13580 steps. That's about 181 steps per minute. On a side note: for long distance runners who aim for 180+ steps per minute, I strongly recommend two podcast stations on iTune, Podrunner and Motion Traxx. 180 bpm is the rhythm that helps me to maintain steady fast feet and avoid over-stride throughout the run.
Some of you may have knee problems or other reasons that prevents you from running or other more intensive exercise. Walking works for most of us. The question is: how can you increase your walking distance?

Well, if you live in a big city like me, here are some tips you may consider:
  • Walk to your destination. One of the many benefits of living in the city is that I can literally live within three blocks around my place. Groceries, restaurants, bars, post office, UPS, manicure, waxing... You name it. I walk to all these places. 
  • Walk on your daily commute. Not everyone has the luxury of walking to work, but we all have the option of walking more. For example, you may live on the 28th Street and there is a 6 train stop right around the corner. You can still walk to the 14th or 42nd Street station and take the train from there, as long as you are willing to put some extra time and effort. I always rush to work in the morning by public transportation, but I do walk home as long as the weather permits. 
  • Walk during your lunch break. Tired of the deli next to your office? Maybe it's time to walk out of your hood and get something different!
  • Get a dog.
What if you live in the suburb and have to drive wherever you go? Guys: mow your lawn and work on your garden. Your wife will appreciate it. Ladies: don't you have a lovely big house to clean? We city ants envy you! :)

Fitbit itself cannot make you healthier. Your legs have to do the work. That said, I find the little gadget really handy in that it quantifies my activity level to some extent. Although it does not measure the calories burned in weight lifting or swimming, any walking or running boost the number quickly and make me feel good. Guess the maximum steps I've made so far? 44,672 steps and 20.2 miles. Yes, that included a long run. :)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Zisu's Kitchen (3): 紫苏炖鱼汤




非洲鲫鱼虽然不那么美好,我还是很想买条活鱼的。正排队等着呢,前面一个老广点了条活鱼,小二捞出来往案板上一扔,鱼在案板上跳得老高。小二拿起一个橡皮锤子,咣当一下鱼就被打懵了,于是称重,打票。某人看得嘴巴张得老大,手紧紧地拉着我。我捅捅他,兴致勃勃地问:“你说我们买哪条鱼啊?” 他吓得面无人色,说:“咱买条死鱼就可以了吧,这样杀鱼太可怕。” 我心想:那死鱼不也本来是活的吗?不也是被人杀死的吗?心里虽然这么想,还是转念买了半条已经被杀死的鲩鱼,看那小心脏还一收一收的,应该也是刚被刨开,挺新鲜的,当然我就没有必要把小心脏指给某人看了,怕某人的小心脏受不了。




  • 主料:鲩鱼去鳞切块洗干净,放少许白葡萄酒(或料酒),盐,胡椒,抓匀。
  • 作料:紫苏整枝的洗干净,不要切;姜切丝;小朝天椒剪成小圈圈。
  • 配菜:豆腐切厚片;金针菇洗净切掉底部;西红柿切块;西葫芦切块。 


  • 橄榄油热锅以后,把姜丝和辣椒圈扔进去炒香,然后把西红柿扔进去炒软,特别爱吃辣的,还可以加点“宁记辣椒大王”,这个是我最爱的辣椒酱,特别干净的纯辣,不油腻无杂味。
  • 加高汤(美国超市的unsalted chicken stock即可),豆腐,金针菇,紫苏枝。加盖烧开后转小火炖一小会儿,让作料味道煮出来。
  • 鲩鱼里加一个鸡蛋清,抓匀,把鲩鱼和西葫芦加到鱼汤里,大火烧开,关火。如果需要的话,加点盐和胡椒。
  • 把紫苏枝捞出来扔掉。这东西煮出来黑黑烂烂的,很不好看。
  • 起锅,可以放点新鲜的紫苏叶子作装饰和凭吊已经默默牺牲掉的紫苏枝。

很简单吧?这里面主要调味的主要是紫苏和姜丝,辣椒和西红柿起辅助调味作用,豆腐 金针菇 西葫芦都是随手乱加的,可有可无。这个汤虽然香辣,但是非常清淡,比较对我的口味。各种作料的多少根据个人口味调整,西葫芦和鱼都别煮太久了。我用的西葫芦是在farmer's market买的某个奇怪的品种,比常见的zucchini颜色要浅,花皮,味道和口感是差不多的。

我把金针菇捞出来问某人:“你知道这是什么吗?” 他一边费劲的挑着鱼刺,一边信心满满的说:“我知道,这不就是豆芽菜吗?”。。。我的橡皮锤子呢???

Friday, August 8, 2014

A Posh Puzzle

As I mentioned before, I'm now selling some of my stuff on Poshmark. This website charges 20% fee to the seller, so stuff are usually not as cheap as you might think. I figured that out. What really amazed me is some people are selling brand name paper bags, including Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Prada, Gucci and many more. And they are not cheap! Dude, who will pay $10 or even $20 for a free-with-purchase paper bag? I always trash my shopping bags, and now I know I've been throwing $$$ away! Oh, my peanut-sized brain cannot figure this out... Calling for help: is anyone able to explain this to me???

BTW, this Minkpink floral skirt is on sale... :)

Tee: Madewell Linen Timeoff Tee in Brandy
Skirt: Minkpink (I'm selling it on Poshmark and MITBBS)
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength
Purse: Rebecca Minkoff MAC Mini in Green
Sandals: Birkenstock Curacao by Birki in black stretch cork

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Floral Print for Office Ladies

Summer is the fun season that business casual could go a little beyond the boring neutrals. Even a pink floral blouse seems office appropriate. Yes, that's another reason I <3 summer!

I got this blouse from Anthropologie on sale, but could no longer locate it on its website. You may try your luck in local stores. Trust me, you will like its soft texture, springy print, and above all, the generous fabric in the chest area that will not play peek-a-boo on your girls.

Paired it with light grey pencil skirt and the two-tone mid-heels that accentuate the yellow and green on the blouse. Ah, this outfit made me feel good!

Blouse: Anthropologie
Pencil skirt: JCrew
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength
Pumps: Nicholas Kirkwood

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

On English Writing





可见,中文的写作技巧在英文里是完全适用的。对于已经来到美国的同胞来说,用基本的词汇写完整的句子应该早就不是问题,我们追求的应该是讲故事。如果文章翻译成中文会显得枯燥乏味的话,那么美国人也会觉得枯燥乏味,就不是好文章。一个故事,中文该怎么讲,英文就该怎么讲。举个例子:给一个同学写申请材料,开头大意是这样的:"老师啊,你肯定看到好多申请人都说自己怎么从小就爱xx学了吧?我打包票,他们跟我比都是渣渣。我爷爷是xx老师,我三四岁的时候就坐小板凳上旁听他的课了。据说我虽然平时淘气,可是只要一上他的课就大气不出特别专注。您说这是不是个奇迹啊?" 如果老师看了忍不住笑了愿意继续读下去,我的目的就达到了。这种小技巧,大家写中文的时候都会用,信手移植到英文里面就可以了。为什么很多人一写起英文就变成八股文了呢?




多读。对于我们这些用非母语学习写作的人来说,文章的口气是很容易受到阅读内容的影响的。我以前爱看英文小说,大学的时候尤其迷恋海明威和Jack London的小说,所以我当时的文章语气很冷,句子很短,基本上不用复句。后来到了美国,天天看报纸杂志,语气渐渐也就有了点专栏写作的味道。近朱者赤,多把自己泡在英文里面,这个外壳也就慢慢的越搭越漂亮了。读的时候尽量少查字典,不懂的词囫囵带过去,一般不影响阅读,读明白了全段以后,回头把带生词的句子多读两遍,以后你需要的时候自然就会跳出来了。这样学到的单词,才是你能用的词汇,比背新东方有用。我特别讨厌背单词书,枯燥不说,关键是用处不大。我的GRE词汇分数很差的,但是我相信自己实际用到的单词比大部分中国同学多。我见过一个GRE巨高分的同学面对烤火鸡半天说不出"should I cut it?",最后来了一句"should I... should I... should I dissemble it?" 搞得老美一脸迷惑。这就是硬背单词的后果。在阅读材料方面,我觉得报纸杂志比小说更好,因为都是现代活生生的英语(现在说"傲慢与偏见"那样的英语得有多奇葩?),讲述的也是身边活生生的故事,拿来跟人聊天也是很好的题材。


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Small Town Girl

I love small towns in the Northeast. They are clean, old, quaint and cozy. All you need to bring is laid-back attitude. Summer summer, please stay!

Top: Ella Moss from Anthropologie
Shorts: Rag & Bone
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength
Purse: Rebecca Minkoff MAB Tote Mini in hot red
Sandals:  Birkenstock Curacao by Birki in black stretch cork
Necklace: Stellar McCartney

Monday, August 4, 2014

Chicwish: A Not So Romantic Experience

I follow quite a few fashion bloggers, but I rarely go with their recommendations. Inspiration is good; copy cat is no fun. More importantly, my training and experience as a finance professional make me extra aware of conflict of interest. If a fashion blogger profits from her follower's purchase, chances are she is willing to compromise her integrity to collect every penny. Photogenic items may turn out to have crappy quality, the blogger may use hidden pins to fix the goofy fit, the photographer may shoot from a specific angle to make the picture look nice, and there may be many other details not disclosed even in the fine print. After all, blogging is a grey area that is not regulated.

That said, once in a blue moon, I do fall to my knees at the beauty of those carefully edited pictures and take the bait.

Chicwish is a brand that has apparently launched a marketing campaign through collaboration with many fashion bloggers recently. Their midi skirts in dreamy prints wowed me with every picture. After months of resistance, I decided to give it a try. As this was the first time I purchased from this brand, I did consider two important questions: 1) what is the shipping/return policy? 2) what is my size?

Chicwish offers free shipping, but the customer has to pay the return shipping label. The "About Us" page states that, although their headquarter is in Hong Kong, they do have an office in California. The address of this California office is shown at the bottom of every single page (CHICWISH STUDIO, 612 Alabama street, San Francisco CA 94110, United States). OK, shipping back to California is no biggie. $11 flat rate priority mail would be the maximum shipping I have to pay. I was fine with that. So I ordered midi skirts in two prints. I like this Turn Back Time Scenic print so much that I ordered both XS and S (because some online review suggests sizing up), just to make sure that I got the right size.

Two weeks later, I received nothing.

I contacted Chicwish through their website. They apologized for the delay and promised that the package was on the way.

Another week passed, and I finally got the package. The shipping label said it was originated from China. My heart sank.

I opened the package. Three skirts of two prints and two sizes were all wrinkled from the packaging and shipping, but the prints were as beautiful as what I'd seen online. The fabric was not the best, but did maintain its puffy retro shape as desired. Size XS and S were not that different, although size XS did fit me better than S.

So now I needed to return one of the two Turn Back Time Scenic Print Midi Skirts to Chicwish.

The invoice had the return address. It was not in California, not even in Hong Kong. It was in Shenzhen, China. And the invoice stated very clearly that all returns must go to China.

Did I want to pay international shipping to return a $43 skirt? No. I guess no one would even bother. I listed the skirt on mitbbs and poshmark, and sold it at a marginal loss. And I truly believe that this is exactly what Chicwish wants me (and other consumers) to do. You've got an item you don't want? OK, sell it to others. Don't ship it back to us.

I'm utterly disgusted by this business strategy.

And I'm equally disgusted by the fashion bloggers who've sung the praises for this shady online retailer.

Don't tell me that this is normal for international shopping. I've made purchase on stylebop before, and the online retailer: 1) never pretends to be a US-based company, and 2) covers the return international shipping cost to Europe.

Here is my full disclosure of Chicwish shopping experience:
  • Colors and prints - as shown online;
  • Fabric - you get what you pay for;
  • Shipping - expect delay due to international shipping;
  • Online customer service - submit your request online and they will get back to you within 24 hours;
  • Return - given the expensive international shipping cost, all sales are essentially final. 

Top: JCrew Bateau Tee in Stripe
Skirt: Chicwish Santorini Print Pleated Midi Skirt (also bought this Turn Back Time Scenic Print Midi Skirt, more amazing prints: poppy field, London eye, neon lights)
Necklace: Anthropologie
Sandals: Pedro Garcia Xola Ankle Strap Sandals in almond/white
Clutch: Prada