Monday, February 17, 2014

Bansky in Context


今天在79th Street & Broadway的街角碰到了著名街头画家Bansky的大作,算是意外的惊喜吧!这家伙最近很火,今年应该刚刚40岁,已经有很多画作的印刷品出售了。每次看到这些印刷品,我就忍不住想问:“哪些人会买这些印刷品呢?”


NYC is full of surprises, sometimes in a pleasant way. Today as I was walking to my lunch date on UWS, I bumped into this piece of art at 79th Street x Broadway.

Well, as Bansky’s street art gains popularity, I've seen prints sold online recently. "Interesting work, " I told myself, "but who on earth will buy this piece of shit?" Don’t get me wrong – I like his work; what I don't understand is why people will buy a copy of STREET art and hang it in their APARTMENT. People may like his humor or agree with his political expression, but as far as I see, most of his art work would lose at least half of their beauty when they were taken out of context.

Bansky’s street art is more than stencils on the wall; it takes in everything around it as an integral part of artwork. Just imagine the fire hydrant being removed from under the hammer, or the stencil below was not drawn on the waterline of the Thekla, or the bright yellow flower did not wrap around the corner of the building. Will they still be as interesting? I doubt it. Bansky is a master of street art, in that he knows how to make it work in the street seamlessly with everything, being it a fire hydrant, a window or a crappy window unit A/C. It takes pure originality, massive imagination, and incredible sense of humor, but a lot of the above will get lost when the stencils are moved from where they are.

…Wait a minute, I take it back. Maybe I can have that little boy with the hammer in my living room. He will be hammering the damned computer that takes too much of my leisure time.


  1. 复制品永远比不上原作,但总是聊胜于无。就像风景照,再雕琢也得不到置身其间的震撼,大家还是买 :) ~msbig

    1. 的确如此,不过我觉得象这种街头艺术,被复制到家里以后,丢失的就更多一些了,有点连根拔起的味道。:)
