Tuesday, February 25, 2014

DV by Dolce Vita Malika Boots


推荐一双便宜 舒适又好看的皮靴: Malika boots from DV by Dolce Vita.


不要告诉我应该穿Birkenstock boots。那东西丑得惊天动地!我宁可穿着Blahnik坐轮椅,也不要穿着Birkenstock满地跑!我脑子有病,我承认。。。穿双大一号的宽鞋,配上Superfeet 的鞋垫,就差不多啦~~~

As some of you may already know, I am struggling with my plantar fasciitis, a foot injury from running. At night, I use night splint; and at day time, I need orthotic footwear to help recovery.

Birkenstock boots were the first resort I seeked. "The leather-lined contoured footbed will mold to the shape of your foot creating a custom footbed that supports and cradles your each and every step." That could be true, but,  yuk, they were hideous! If I were given two options, walking happily in a pair of bulky Birkenstock or sitting in a wheelchair in a pair of Blahnik, I would jump to the second without blinking my eyes. In fact, I don't believe i would ever walk "happily" in that chunk of ultra ugliness. The mere sight of the boots made me scream.

Now I'm using Superfeet insoles to help recovery. As a result, I had to size up my boots to accommodate this extra orthotic arch support. I didn't want to splurge on it as I saw this as temporary (well, at least I hoped I would kiss plantar fasciitis good-bye before next winter). My budget was $200. The boots had to have flat heel, wide toe box (to accommodate the insoles), and somewhat good style.

I searched for a while and finally found this pair of Malika boots from DV by Dolce Vita. They meet all my requirements, and look cool on my feet. I tried both colors and they both looked great. After a long debate, I decided to keep the black pair. I've been wearing it for two months, and got lots of compliments in the street. I loved the studs. And the best part? I got it on sale! Only $74.47. I sized up 1 full size in order to put in my Superfeet insoles, but I think it's true to size.


  1. 看起来还不错,要不加个真人照片看看?:)

    1. will do... when the weather gets better. :)

    2. Thanks! Looking forward to it:)

  2. Pat pat, 我去年这个时候也有PF

    1. 现在好了吗?这个东西拖拖拉拉反反复复的,甚是讨厌。。。

    2. 医生让做很多事,都没坚持,就是停跑。大概歇足四五个月时,有一天想跑步,发现好了。

    3. 我下半年也养养,现在不是特别bother我,上次跑了个10迈也没发作,虽然左脚还是不如右脚自如

  3. 我也有这个毛病,右足跟,但还不太严重,隐隐作痛了一个多月,突然发现自己好了。还是要注意一下,要是以后影响运动可惨了

    1. 我现在每次跑完都冰敷脚丫,没事的时候就踩小球按摩脚底,帮助挺大的,你也试试?
