Friday, February 28, 2014

Peter Pilotto for Target Collection


Target最新的合作设计品牌Peter Pilotto可能不如以前的那几个那么大牌,所以新出的Peter Pilotto for Target居然没有一出炉就被抢光。我在网上买了几件。

Peter Pilotto这个牌子主打的就是漂亮的印花,我以前在英国试过的,但是他家的衣服似乎更适合腰长的体型,我试来试去都不合身儿,就作罢了。这次Peter Pilotto for Target很便宜,Net-a-Porter的送货退货都免费,再试一次也无妨嘛!

买了这件floral-print cotton-blend jersey mini dress,结果太肥大了。如果你在JCrew穿00或者0号的话,都不用想了。其实这件如果合身的话还是不错的,套西装 牛仔 机车,各种风格都可以,挺多样的。

还买了这件printed stretch-matelassé dressWendy 同学穿起来挺好看的,可是在我身上就是悲剧重演,腰线掉在腰下面,没精打彩的特别傻。我又不想象Wendy那样用宽腰带来提高腰线,觉得那样会打破了侧面的黑色panel的视觉效果。算了,不要了。

唯一能穿的就是这件printed cotton-blend jersey top。也挺松的,不过打底穿也凑合了,颜色很清新,正适合我渴望春天的心情。今天穿去上班啦!搭配的是两件JCrew的经典:the No. 2 pencil skirt in double serge wool and the classic schoolboy blazer in navy

写的时候又发现一条新裙裙,也买了,等收到了再来汇报!周末愉快~ :) 

Once in a while, Target collaborates with premium designers and brings affordable high fashion design to mass market. And every time, you will see crazy lines outside of the designated Target stores on the release eve. I'd never laid my hands on any of those items ... until yesterday. This time, It's Peter Pilotto for Target. Maybe Americans are not that familiar with Peter Pilotto. This line did not fly off the shelf before I could say "for Target". I had the chance to order a couple of pieces online.

I'd tried Peter Pilotto before. When I was in London, I had a chance to try a couple of pieces with ethereal prints and hourglass shape. Unfortunately they had long torso and did not fit my small frame. This time, I was determined to give its "for Target" line another chance. Thanks to Net-a-Porter's free-shipping-free-return policy, I picked three pieces and they arrived last night.

I had a high expectation on this floral-print cotton-blend jersey mini dress. The summery floral prints and conservative coverage made it quite versatile. I could see myself dress it up with a blazer or dress it down with a moto jacket. Unfortunately it came in big. I ordered size XS and it did not have the snug fit I was looking for. Ladies, if you wear size 00 or 0 in JCrew, this one will probably look big on you.

I hesitated quite a bit on this printed stretch-matelassé dress. The cut was identical to the ones I tried in London years ago, and I knew my torso was too short for it. However, Wendy showed a fabulous outfit with it a couple of days ago, and I believed she was shorter than me. Maybe this time it would work? So I put it in my shopping cart. The result? History repeated itself. The waist fell well below my waistline and I looked stupid in it. Apparently Wendy had the same problem. She used a wide black belt to fix it. But I don't like the idea as it would defeat the purpose of side panels. Anyway, I had no commercial obligation to make it work...

The last piece was a printed cotton-blend jersey top. I was attracted to its bright colors and whimsy pattern. Nice for spring/summer. It was quite loose on me. Being disappointed by the two dresses, I decided to keep this one. And I wore it to work this morning! I paired it with two classic pieces from JCrew, the No. 2 pencil skirt in double serge wool and the classic schoolboy blazer in navy.

As I was writing this post, I noticed a new dress coming online. I'll order it and give you an updated review. Oh, I can't say no to spring prints that is so overdue! Stay tuned and happy Friday! :)


  1. 亲爱的苏苏,每天看着你的博客,想象自己一点一点儿变健美,一点一点儿靠近你~~~




  2. 这一套配得真好,类似的我都有,不过我的上衣是短袖的,schoolboy周五刚收到,准备周一就穿上,不过我们要套职业服装,比较讨厌:(

    我最近狂收了不少pencil skirt,苏苏有空多上搭配图啊:),笨人就东施效颦啦。

    1. 对,我也很喜欢pencil skirt,各种牌子各种颜色各种花纹。上班穿pencil skirt显得干练。:)

  3. Just ordered the blue floral jersey dress and the yellow jersey top- hope they fit! Thanks, Zisu. - Makingwaves

  4. Got them so fast - the size M blue dress fits well though a bit short. It shows my belly but I'll work on making the belly flat! The size L (no M or S available) yellow top is a little too big, but I like the pattern so am still thinking about keeping or not. Just found out that the Target site has some for clearance - so ordered a couple of more items - maybe I should check out the local Target, too :)

    1. 对,他家的shipping特别神速!很高兴mm能找到合身的裙子。top太大就算了吧,好看的衣服多着呢,我看见了就上来嚷嚷两声。:)

    2. 多谢紫苏MM!
