Monday, February 24, 2014

Business Monday


星期一是“忙day”,所以我一般会打扮得比较严肃。中性色+保守式样,不玩新鲜颜色新鲜款式。但是严肃不等于枯燥,我尽量往严肃而有型的方向努力吧!比如这件Fendi长袖连衣裙,虽然走的是严肃保守的路子,但是裁剪合体,插色设计恰如其分的凸显体型,搭配他家常见的泡泡袖设计。配上点点丝袜和尖头皮鞋,再增加点女性情趣。Louis Vuitton家的豹纹围巾够大够蓬,松松的围在脖子上可以平衡一下整套打扮的女人味,以免流于老套的娘味。当然,灰裙子和豹纹围巾都很容易找到更便宜的替代品,不要跟我这个时不时抽个风的败家女学。咱只讲搭配,是吧?不过,我还是要真心赞一下这条裙子的,超厚超软超暖和,经典职业装扮,今冬最佳投资就是它了,我要多穿几年,把本儿挣回来。。。

When I was little and just started learning English, my teacher taught us how to memorize Monday through Sunday: Monday is -day (忙, pronounced “mon”, means “busy” in Chinese). I didn't quite get it until I finished school and started my own career. Monday is indeed the day you can't mess up in business, even in your business attire.

So I tend to look more serious on Mondays. Gray and black are the colors I usually turn to. Conservative simple styles help me to focus on business. But that doesn't mean I have to look like a boring dead fish. Here I built my business attire around a long-sleeved wool dress (Fendi) that features figure-flattering color blocks and cute curved sleeves. It nailed down the classy professional look I was aiming for. Polka dot stockings added a touch of feminine fun to the outfit, balanced out by the boldness of the animal print scarf (Louis Vuitton)… No, you don’t need brand names to get a professional look. It just so happens that I fall in love with designer pieces from time to time. What can I say? This Fendi dress felt so warm and soft that I just couldn't let it go the minute I had it on. It was definitely my best buy this winter and I see it last for many seasons... *_^

Have a productive week ahead, everyone! 


  1. 没想到你会穿点点丝袜哦。尖头鞋搭的好,我发现它能让小腿更好看。这条裙子腰身不错。泡泡袖比较挑人,但是也很stylish吧,属于敢穿的人才能镇得住的。--zoemango

  2. 点点丝袜是上次回国买的,国内的丝袜好便宜哦,又好看!我还买了脚脖子上有小猫小星星之类的,米国女人看了都激动得嗷嗷直叫,让我下次回国给她们带袜子。。。真长脸!LOL!

  3. 对,尖头pump是美腿利器,别忘了。。。:)
