Monday, March 10, 2014

Plantar Fasciitis Product Review

My left foot is improving remarkably. I ran 12.5 miles last Saturday on the road without being bothered by plantar fasciitis (PF). Besides traditional R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, elevation), I've tried quite a few treatments, including some products easily available to general public. So here is my review of these products.

Before I move into the product review. I have to say icing is especially important. After each and every run, I sandwiched my foot with two ice packs, one on top and one on bottom, fastened with a rubber band. I could feel a pulsing burning sensation in the nerve running all the way up to my hip, which diminished gradually as the icing progressed. If you have PF, icing your injured foot immediately after injury and along recovery is the most cost-efficient and effective treatment.

With proper icing, you may also consider using these products to expedite your recovery. Click on the links below to see where I bought mine.

Massage ball. PF is caused by structural breakdown of plantar fascia, the thick fibrous band that supports the arch of the foot, due to overstretch or over training. Massaging helps a lot in recovery. I started massaging my foot with a golf ball whenever possible. That soreness vanished in a couple of days and I upgraded to a more professional foot massage ball. My foot felt a huge relief after each use. Strongly recommended.

Night splint. Night splint is another good treatment to your injured foot. It helps to keep your arch in the right position in bed. I experimented sleeping with and without my night splint. As you may know, PF is most severe in the morning. If I slept without it I would wake up with a stiff ankle and a sting in the heel. Wearing a night splint significantly reduced the morning symptom. Strongly recommended.

Superfeet insoles. I learned about this from a youtube video on PF. It turned out to be very helpful. I put it into my everyday boots, and walking immediately became pain free. It is sold both on Amazon and Zappos, but I got mine from a Paragon local store. The reason is Superfeet has different insoles that give you different level of support. You have to try them in your own shoes to see which one works for your foot. Recommended.

Compression sock. This is the most expensive gear I got for my PF problem. I won't say it's useless. In fact I may use it in my race to help my arch stay in shape. That said, it's not very comfortable if you wear it for a long time, say overnight. It is so tight that it cut blood circulation. I won't endorse it without any reservation.

Sport tape. Sport tape may be the first aid you will get if you see a podiatrist for PF. You can easily get a tape from a drug store and tape it yourself by following instructions on youtube. It worked as a compression sock in the first a couple of weeks, holding your foot arch in shape without cutting circulation. As your foot condition improves, you may want to rip off the tape and train your foot gradually to get used to walking and running again. Still, I find it useful in the early stage of recovery. So I recommend it.

Foot rocker. This toy helps to relieve PF by increasing ankle mobility. Not as direct a cure to PF, but definitely works in the long run. Recommended.

BTW here is the best video I've seen in this topic. Check it out if you want to learn more!

NYC Half Marathon next Sunday! Run, Forrest, Run!

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  1. 很有帮助,谢谢紫苏!比我们学医知道的都多多了

    1. 我这是久病成医,跑版好多大牛对我的帮助不小,很多东西都是他们建议的,所以我写个个人体会小总结回馈社会,希望能帮助到需要的人 :)

  2. 这个博客怎么才知道你有回复以前的评论呢?总不能总回去找吧

    1. 不知道呢,我作为博主,在dashboard是可以只看comment的,但是不知道读者怎么看

  3. Well written. Very helpful. Some questions:
    1. With all the measurements you took, how long did it take to heal your PF?
    2. Was it completely healed or just the symptom greatly reduced?
    3. Possibility of recurrence?

    Thanks for your answer in advance.

    1. I hurt my foot in late December while I was running outside. I stepped on a loose tile and overstretched the arch. I stopped running for 2 weeks and hit the road again. But I had to call a cab and go home within 2 miles. This time I rested completely for another 4 weeks. When I first resumed training, I could feel discomfort in my left foot in 3 miles. So I ran only once a week, and gradually increased the distance. And I only ran on treadmills. The condition has be improving every week. By the end of February, I could run 9 miles with no discomfort on treadmills and I decided to hit the road again. I can't guarantee it may not come back, but at least I feel very comfortable at the end of each long run. I plan to have a long rest in the second half of the year. Hope this helps!

  4. Thanks for your response.

    Sounds like your PF was really accident induced. You temporally overstretched your arch that caused the lengthening of plantar fascia which in turn caused your pain. Once your overstretched arch recovered, the PF problem should be gone.

    Unfortunately, my PF problem was developed gradually over the years due to over usage. Hence, it may stay with me for quite a while, if not the rest of my life. I probably need to look for more help from some orthopedics accessory devices to manage it.

    BTW, like your blog. Keep up the good work!

  5. 非常感谢,很有帮助。
    Have a fun race!


  6. nice blog........Plantar Fascitis is very common cause of heel pain and felt more on the inside of the feet. And as
    mr.bhargava is specialist in Plantar Fascitis treatment, and can instruct in for various exercise, massage to recruit it
    and also surgery for major cases.

  7. Whether working or exercising, we all spend an enormous amount of time on our feet. According to a recent study, three out of four people experience a serious foot problem at least once in their lifetime. We treat in Foot pain, Foot problems, Plantar Fasciitis .Plantar fasciitis treatment, Achilles heel, Bunion, Foot conditions and Heel Pain.

  8. Very useful. I have had PF once (4 weeks prior to the Marine Corps Marathon) I hope I never have it again.

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