Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Safe Hemline for Office


看看这条JCrew Emmaleigh dress,我站直的时候,裙子刚刚到膝盖上缘,并不短,可是坐下来的时候就将将盖住那些不得不盖住的部位了。姑娘们,如果你不想在办公室有出糗的危险,这个裙长差不多就是安全线啦!


We girls like showing off legs. But you might have noticed that my business dresses or skirts always hit around or even below the knees. Sure, short hemlines highlight your asset, and are especially instrumental to create a leggy image for us petite women. However, they could bring unnecessary trouble in the office.

Look at this JCrew Emmaleigh dress, one of my favorites from JCrew. It hits right above my knee caps when I stand straight, but as I sit down, it is just long enough to cover what is not supposed to get exposed. Ladies, if you don't want to risk any wardrobe malfunction in office, you probably don't want to go shorter than this.

Honestly, when I first started this job, I once made a mistake of wearing a short dress to office -- it was not insanely short, of course, but short enough to make me aware of the issue. My boss asked me to go to a client meeting with him. I looked down and said:"Sorry, sir. I can't go today. My skirt is too short for client meetings..." He laughed and asked:"Why would you wear it to office then?" Lesson learned: I will never again let my fashionista obsession get in my way. :)

dress: JCrew Emmaleigh dress
blazer: JCrew puff-sleeve blazer
belt: JCrew skinny leather belt in fuchsia
pumps: Jimmy Choo 100 mm


  1. 非常赞同。衣着应该优先考虑职业水准。JCrew我买的不多,但有很多Elie Tahari 的裙子,他家裙子的优点是都会到膝盖或膝盖以下,所以避免了裙长过短的危险。有一次穿了DVF的裙子到公司,刚到膝盖上部,觉得特别不自在。

    1. 对,我是不理解那些短短的职业装是怎么能穿着自在舒服的 :)

  2. I've seen shorter dress in my office before. Really a distraction to male folks in the office.

    1. Haha, I've heard an earful from my male co-workers about improper exposure of female body parts... Absolutely hilarious!

  3. 我们单位的DRESS CODE就是不能短。。。这对于我这种腰细个还矮大腿还不麻杆的人来说极其困难,稍有露大腿就显的特别不合适。。。我一般都是铅笔裙一定选至少到膝盖或者膝盖以下,散裙可以膝盖以上3公分左右,总之紧就不能短, 短就不能紧,裙子不过膝就一定要穿丝袜

  4. 不同地方的文化會很大的有不同,我最近回了珠海工作,我們的制服就是緊身短裙,還要只到大腿一半!
