Thursday, March 13, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Green

3月中旬了,今天19F,昨天62F,精神错乱就是这么搞出来的!前天穿了特别春天的一身儿,把St. Patrick's Day green 穿出来亮相了,自娱自乐一下,今天又上羽绒服了。

今年的St. Patrick's Day green来自JCrew Collection。上周25%折扣,买了这条pencil wrap skirt in photo lace。本来是打算买那条No. 2 pencil skirt in antique floral的,可是那条的布料硬邦邦的,不高级,觉得不值那个价钱。这条就好多了,微闪的面料挺括而柔软,有存在感,看起来有点小奢华的感觉,走起来面料有明暗闪动,实物比照片上好看得多。号码很正常。这个是春季新款,已经断码了,卖得相当好。

配了件白色的puff-sleeve blazer。我比较了一下schoolboy blazer in linen,schoolboy blazer是亚麻面料,穿在身上很僵很不舒服,这个要舒服得多,而且我也喜欢单扣设计,简洁明快,适合春夏。

图上的白tee是旧的,Ann Taylor LOFT家的。黄色pump是Nicholas Kirkwood,舒服又明快,非常喜欢。

JCrew家的东西,还试过几件别的。 camo sweatshirt满酷的,不过我真没啥机会穿,放下了。这双Tybee metallic slide sandals非常in,正好把握住金属镜面鞋的流行节奏,不过我的脚背有点点高,穿着不合脚,建议大家试试。几件印大字儿的tee都有点薄透,不喜欢。

Next Monday, March 17, is the St. Patrick's Day, and I will be travelling for business. For me, this is the official start of spring. After this insane winter, I just cannot wait to put on the Irish green!

I picked this year's green from JCrew Collection. Thanks to last week's 25% off promotion, I got this beautiful pencil wrap skirt in photo lace. As I mentioned in my previous post, I was drawn to JCrew by this No. 2 pencil skirt in antique floral. But when I put it on, I realized that the material was really uncomfortable -- what makes cotton/silk blend so stiff was absolutely beyond me. I may still get it later at a deeper discount, but not now. This green wrap skirt, however, looks way better than in the catalog. The material has a subtle sheen and a luxurious feel to the touch. True to size. Apparently this new arrival is running off the shelf quite fast. I'm glad I've snatched one!

This year, I also plan to update my white blazer. A nice crisp white blazer always creates a neat professional look in spring/summer, and mine is getting old. So I tried on both the schoolboy blazer in linen and the puff-sleeve blazer. The schoolboy blazer is really stiff on the body. The puff-sleeve blazer, however, has a tiny stretch, hence feels a lot more comfortable. Also I like its single button design. Sharp and neat, perfect for summer.

So here comes my St. Patrick's Day outfit: puff-sleeve blazer and pencil wrap skirt from JCrew, white tee from Ann Taylor LOFT, and yellow pumps from Nicholas Kirkwood. :)

I also tried a couple of other items in JCrew. I really liked this camo sweatshirt, but I didn't think I had many opportunities to sport it. These Tybee metallic slide sandals are quite edgy and we all know metallic mirror shoes are white hot this summer. Unfortunately they did not fit my high arched feet. I would suggest you ladies give it a try! Also tried a couple of printed tees, but they are all on the flimsy side. Not my cup of tea.


  1. 真好看,绿色的裙子和黄色的鞋子,很和谐。请多发时装的美图,每天都看你的博客呢。

    1. 握手!这身打扮很中规中矩,唯一的亮点就是那双黄鞋子了。我发现黄鞋子其实很实用,跟肤色相近,所以显得腿长,但是又比裸色意外和出挑,跟其他颜色也容易搭配。不知道为什么黄鞋子出得不多,当初找这双鞋可也是费了老大的力气呢!

    2. 对的,黄色的包包也很容易出彩呢。我有大大小小的4个黄色的包包,很容易搭衣服。

    3. 我也有两个黄色的包,哈哈!

  2. 狠。。。喜欢这一身!谢谢分享。

    1. 谢谢!上班能玩的花样太少了,捣鼓出一身喜欢的打扮真是不容易 :)

    2. 我发现这个黄鞋的脚腕处的带子挺好看的。以前总觉得脚腕处有带子会把脚和腿分开,造成视觉上腿短的效果,所以一直没敢买,看你的图完全没有,不知道是不是因为颜色接近肤色的原因?或者是比较细?要么就是mm腿太长了怎么折腾都不怕:)

    3. 我也喜欢,应该是因为颜色接近肤色而且够细的缘故。我腿真的短,低机位加广角的效果,你看前面那只脚比后面那只大了那么多,哈哈!

  3. 这条绿裙子你穿比Jcrew的模特穿好看太多了。
