Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Rub of the Green

没有比绿色更春天的颜色了!当我看见这只绿色小包的时候,就跟巴浦洛夫的狗一样,哗啦啦的流口水,绝对是童叟无欺的真爱。Rebecca Minkoff mini MAC可以说物美价廉,颜色多,质量好,还很能装。我很小农的,舍不得花钱买浅色或者鲜艳的名牌包,觉得大几千买个容易脏或者不容易搭配的包性价比不高,放在家里供着就亏了。我买的名牌包一般都是深色的,随便走哪儿往地上一扔,再背上也看不出脏来。所以鲜艳的Rebecca Minkoff就正好填补了小农的空白,深合朕意。这个牌子虽然便宜,我对它可不是廉价的爱情,这是超越了价格超越了阶级超越了时空感天动地海枯石烂的真爱,就跟有钱人家小姐爱上穷书生是一个道理,虽然咱也不是神马有钱人家。这个包看起来小,里面可装了不少东东:短钱包,手机,钥匙,小相机,口红,墨镜(无镜盒)。差不多出个门就够了。

When everyone was rushing into Chanel to grab her dream bag before the much rumored price hike in Q2, my fingers itched at this green mini MAC from Rebecca Minkoff. After this long brutal winter, nothing lit me up as much as this little springy cutie. Pretty late to the Rebecca Minkoff club, I was soon amazed by its almost endless color selection every season. And this bright green is definitely one of those hard-to-find colors that I can swing with. Mini MAC is about the right size for daily essentials. It holds a small purse, a Galaxy S3 cellphone, several keys, a compact camera, a lipstick, and a pair of sunglasses w/o the case.

To make the color pop, I paired the mini MAC with a JCrew side-zip varsity dress. I like its preppy style and the light grey color. The Nicholas Kirkwood block heel pumps and the layered necklace added a little spice that blended well with the MAC. Oh, and the Karen Walker Super Duper Strength sunglasses? Let's discuss it next time. :)

Crossbody bag: Rebecca Minkoff mini MAC (also like it in orangered, peach, pale pink and twilight sky)
Necklace: Bloomsbury layered necklace from Anthropologie
Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength in Black (also like it in Crazy Tort)